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Page 23

Oh Baby!

No, not me. My little one is only 10 months old. It is not even close to time to start thinking about …

Zucchini Muffins

I do not have much of a green thumb, but I plant a small veggie garden each year.  I usually get a …

Cabin Brownies

I have no idea why these are called cabin brownies. I guess I can assume someone used to make them at a …

Lined Tab Curtains

Continuing the first floor redecorate project (I’m so close, before and after pics of the new colors are coming shortly. I just …

Tart Cherry Crisp

My parents have an absolutely beautiful cherry tree growing in their front garden. It produces thousands of bright red, deliciously tart cherries. …

DIY Roman Shades

This summer’s project so far has been to repaint the entire first floor of the house. I really liked the colors I …