Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my birthday. To celebrate we are going grocery shopping.  Ok, so that isn’t really a celebration, but there is no food in our house so we need to go buy some. We’re going out for dinner tomorrow, that will be the real celebration.  I guess it is just part of getting older, my birthday isn’t as much fun as it used to be. Actually, it’s still tons of fun, my idea of fun has just changed since I became and old boring married lady with a kid. And I am ok with that.

So I turn 32 today. I know, it’s old, right? And I got to thinking about age, and how I never really feel as old as I am. So how old do I feel? I used to never feel older than about 18. Certainly I didn’t feel like an adult. I’ve been waiting for the adult feeling to catch up with me. When I graduated college, got a real job, got married, bought a house, had a baby… I’ve done all these “adult” things and none of them made me feel like an adult.

But today, I do, and I’m not exactly sure why. I don’t feel 18 and I don’t want to. You couldn’t pay me to go back to 18, or 22, or 25.  I was doing nothing but making bad decisions then, I don’t want to do it again. I guess I had most my stuff straight by 26, but I don’t want to redo that either. My life right now is the best it has ever been and hopefully it just keeps getting better. I don’t want to be anywhere else than where I am right now, at 32, where my idea of a good birthday is donuts at work and a night of grocery shopping with my husband and son. We might even go to Target. 

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