So I started a blog…

Again, since the last blog I started fell to the wayside. I’m not really sure what I’m doing here, I’m not the blogging type, but I’m going to give it another go and we’ll see how it ends up.

I am a wife and a mom to a beautiful baby boy. Between juggling being a relatively new parent, working full time, and keeping up with (or ignoring) the housework, I apparently do not think I am busy enough. I always need a project and I want this blog to be a spot for me to keep track of it all, and show off the results. My husband and I own a quaint little house built in 1922 and are continually working to spruce it up. I also crochet, do very basic sewing, try to garden and occasionally bake something that turns out edible. I don’t claim to be an expert on anything, but maybe (hopefully) someone will find my attempts entertaining if not helpful.

So, let the adventures begin…

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