Things that I hate – Waiting

I hate waiting, and I am really really bad at it. I am worse than a small child. Ryan and I decided this weekend that we wanted a dog, so I contacted a breeder on Monday and we emailed back and forth a couple times. I asked when we could meet, then no more emails came. For 24 hours I obsessively clicked refresh on my email every 30 seconds or so. I thought the wait would kill me. And it might have, except that I broke down and made Ryan call her instead of waiting any longer. (Another thing I hate is making phone calls, more on that some other time, maybe.)

And it turns out she had a reasonable excuse for not emailing me back. Her computer is on the fritz so she had taken it into a tech. So we got it all straightened out, we are picking up our new puppy on Thursday.

So now I am waiting again, 48 hours this time, until Thursday afternoon. I’m not good at it. But in the end, there will be puppies. And who doesn’t love a puppy?

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