What I Learned Today

I firmly believe that we really do learn something new everyday. Well maybe not something entirely new, maybe it’s something we learned before but needed to learn again.  Today’s life lesson falls into that category.

Doing Nothing is Exhausting.

Yesterday, my good friends Kristin and Justin hosted a Lord of the Rings movie marathon. All 3 extended edition movies, on blu-ray, on their 106 inch screen. 13 hours of nerdy nerdy goodness. It was glorious. And tiring. It’s hard to stay awake through 13 continuous hours of movie, even if it is one (or three) of your favorite films. And I managed not to doze at all, though I may have rested my eyes for a few minutes here and there. But on our hour drive home, it was hard to keep my eyes open (luckily I wasn’t the one driving.) I hadn’t done anything but sit and watch a movie all day and I was spent. We got home about 12:45 and crawled straight into bed and I didn’t wake up until 10:00 this morning. Nine hours of uninterrupted sleep would normally allow one to wake up refreshed, ready to take on the day. And I had grand plans for the day. But alas, it wasn’t meant to be. I just didn’t have the motivation. I kept finding myself putting off anything productive in favor of watching TV or surfing the googlynets.  All I really want is to take a nap. I, my friends, have a lazy hangover. I need an entire day of doing nothing to recover from my day of doing nothing.  And it’s exhausting.

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