What I learned today

Life has a way of putting things in perspective.

I woke up this morning with a giant, festering zit on my face. I thought to myself, “Great, today is going to suck.” Leave it to the cosmos to teach me that my petty concerns about my appearance just aren’t important. Just after I got to work this morning, I got a call from my mom. Toto, our cat, had been sick and the vet decided this morning that they was nothing else they could do. Anyone who has had a pet knows that they become a member of your family, especially after 18 years. And it is very hard to say goodbye to a family member. I distinctly remember the day we brought her home from the animal shelter. She was my sister’s 10th birthday present. I was 12. She was the first pet we ever had. My dad had always said “no” when we asked for a pet. He didn’t like animals. So we didn’t tell him our plans for the day and adopted our kitty anyway. He was so mad when he got home and found the cat, but within minutes he was on the floor letting Toto give him “kisses”. She has been with us ever since and it is hard to remember our lives without her.  It is also hard to imagine our lives without her in the future. Goodbye Toto, rest in peace. We love you and miss you, always.


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